NOTE: If using a TABLET or CELL PHONE after clicking on “MENU” you MAY NEED to scroll to the bottom of the webpage, to find the “Select a State” menu, then click on the down arrow and you will see the states listed. Scroll down to the state click on it to view Public Works Bid Notices in that state.
A comprehensive directory for public bid notices rfp, rfqs and solicitations.
–>For a list of the US Airports selected for the almost $1 billion in upgrades by the Biden Administration and Congress click here –> I’ve also listed these on a page of this website titled “Airport Terminal Program-2022” at this hyperlink
–>For a list of multi-billion dollar projects announced in 2021 and 2022 click this hyperlink .
If you are looking for opportunities to bid on public construction projects for sewer lines and sewage treatment plants or water lines and water treatment plants or bridges, roads, highways, city, county or state, DOT, ports and municipal construction projects, k12 school, university construction projects anywhere in the United States, we are developing your one stop website for finding public bid notices. For example click the following link to New York State to view many of the New York State and City, County, port, municipal, k12 school and university bid notices .
Public entities; if you send me new jobs you would like to post or want me to make prospective bidders aware of, send me a link and information, using my CONTACT page. I will post the information and hyperlink in the appropriate state, county, city or other category, and let people know by posting this new information in my BLOG and through email notifications.
To look through what I’ve created, Go to “Menu” then “Select a State” and begin your search for public works bids…
As of July 2022 this website continues to be a work in progress. I will continue adding to it, so check back regularly and send me comments or suggestions.