Oregon – Bid Notices

Albany Oregon Bid Notices & RFPs or RFQs  https://www.cityofalbany.net/finance/purchasing/bids

Aloha Oregon, use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Aloha Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Altamont Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Altamont Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/  

Ashland Oregon List of all RFPs  https://www.ashland.or.us/RFP.asp

Beaverton Oregon Current Bid & Proposal Opportunities  https://apps2.beavertonoregon.gov/Bids/

Beaverton OR – Beaverton School District, Open Solicitations  https://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/departments/purchasing/solicitationsBend Oregon Bids, RFPs and Bid Openings https://www.bendoregon.gov/government/departments/purchasing

Canby Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.canbyoregon.gov/rfps

Cedar Mill Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Cedar Mill Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Central Point Oregon RFP/RFQ/Bid Opportunities  https://www.centralpointoregon.gov/publicworks/page/rfprfqbid-opportunities  or  https://www.centralpointoregon.gov/rfps

Clatsop County OR – Bids and RFPs:  https://www.co.clatsop.or.us/rfps

Coos Bay Oregon Requests for Bids, Proposals and Qualifications  http://coosbay.org/government/rfp-list

Coos Bay – Port of Coos Bay Oregon, Solicitations  https://www.portofcoosbay.com/solicitations

Cornelius Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.ci.cornelius.or.us/rfps

Corvallis Oregon for Bids & RFPs use the OregonBuys website  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Corvallis Oregon School District Bond program projects  https://www.csd509j.net/bond-program/procurements-contract-awards-2/

Dallas Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Dallas Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Deschutes County Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.deschutes.org/rfps

Douglas County Oregon Bid Postings  https://douglascounty-oregon.us/Bids.aspx

Eugene OR – Construction Bid Information:  https://www.eugene-or.gov/2043/Construction-Bid-Information

Fairview OK – Reynolds School District, Bids and RFPs  Open Accepting Bids and RFPs  https://www.reynolds.k12.or.us/rfps?field_bid_rfp_status_value_1=open  for Awarded Bids and RFPs  https://www.reynolds.k12.or.us/rfps?field_bid_rfp_status_value_1=awarded 

Forest Grove Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.forestgrove-or.gov/rfps

Four Corners Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Four Corners Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Grants Pass Oregon Bid Postings  https://www.grantspassoregon.gov/bids.aspx

Gresham Oregon – Purchasing – Bids and RFP Opportunities:  https://greshamoregon.gov/Purchasing/

Happy Valley Oregon Bids & Proposals   https://www.happyvalleyor.gov/business/engineering-division/bid-advertisements/

Hayesville Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Hayesville Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Hermiston Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Hermiston Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Hillsboro Oregon Projects & Bid Notices  https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/our-city/departments/public-works/projects-bids

Hood River OR – Port of Hood River, for RFPs and Bids  https://portofhoodriver.com/projects/rfp-bid-center/ 

Jackson County, Medford Oregon, bid opportunities  https://jacksoncountyor.gov/departments/finance/accounting/doing_business_with_jackson_county/index.php   or try  RFP’s and Bids page  https://jacksoncountyor.gov/government/rfps___bids/index.php 

Jefferson County Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.jeffco.net/rfps

Keizer Oregon, use OregonBuys to view current Bid Notices & RFPs for Keizer Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Klamath Falls Oregon Bids & RFPs  https://www.klamathfalls.city/Bids.aspx

La Grande Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for La Grande Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Lake Oswego Oregon Bid and RFP information  https://www.ci.oswego.or.us/engineering/bid-rfp-information

Lane County OR, RFPs, Bids and RFQs  https://www.lanecounty.org/government/county_departments/county_administration/operations/LaneCountyProcurement/rfps__bids_and_rfqs

Lebanon Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.lebanonoregon.gov/rfps

Lee County Oregon with Northbend Oregon Current Bids & RFPs  https://www.northbendoregon.us/bids.aspx

McMinnville Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.mcminnvilleoregon.gov/rfps

Medford Oregon contract bids & notices  https://www.medfordoregon.gov/Government/Departments/Public-Works/Contract-Bids-Notices or for Medford Purchasing  https://www.medfordoregon.gov/Government/Departments/Finance/Purchasing-Division

Milwaukie Oregon Bids & RFPs  https://bids.milwaukieoregon.gov/

Newberg Oregon RFP/Bids  https://bids.newbergoregon.gov/

Northbend Oregon with Lee County Oregon Current Bids & RFPs  https://www.northbendoregon.us/bids.aspx  also try the OregonBuys website  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Oak Grove Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Oak Grove Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Oatfield Oregon use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Oatfield Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/  

Oregon City Oregon Bids and RFPs: https://www.orcity.org/publicworks/bids-and-rfps  or https://bids.orcity.org/

Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) bidding and letting schedules  https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Business/Procurement/Pages/Letting_Schedules.aspx  and doing business with ODOT  https://www.oregon.gov/odot/Business/Procurement/Pages/Bid_Award.aspx

Oregon procurement opportunities, a comprehensive list of Bid Notices & RFPs for all public entities in Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/   and a current list of open Bid Notices & RFOs https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/view/search/external/advancedSearchBid.xhtml?openBids=true and for contractor required notices   https://www.oregon.gov/CCB/contractor/Pages/requirednotices.aspx

Pendleton Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://pendleton.or.us/rfps

Port of Columbia County Oregon Bid Notices & RFPs  https://www.portofcolumbiacounty.org/rfps

Port of Coos Bay Oregon, Solicitations  https://www.portofcoosbay.com/solicitations

Port of Hood River, OR for current bid notices the Port of Hood River recently starting posting their bid opportunities on Oregon Buys https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Portland, Oregon, Procurement and Bid Opportunities  https://www.portland.gov/businessopportunities  and also try  https://www.portland.gov/businessopportunities/events/bids

Portland International Airport (PDX) Oregon, for PDX project bid opportunities https://flypdx.com/Vendors

Redmond Oregon, use OregonBuys to view current Bidding Opportunities & RFPs for Redmond Oregon  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/

Reynolds School District, Fairview OR,  Bids and RFPs  Open Accepting Bids and RFPs  https://www.reynolds.k12.or.us/rfps?field_bid_rfp_status_value_1=open  for Awarded Bids and RFPs  https://www.reynolds.k12.or.us/rfps?field_bid_rfp_status_value_1=awarded 

Roseburg Oregon Bid Notices & RFPs  https://www.cityofroseburg.org/bidding 

Salem Oregon uses Oregon Buys website to post their open Bidding Opportunities & RFPs  https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/  or look at Salems procurement website   https://www.cityofsalem.net/government/budget-finance/contracts-bids-purchasing

Sherwood Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.sherwoodoregon.gov/bids

Springfield OR, Purchasing and Bidding Opportunities  https://springfield-or.gov/city/finance/purchasing/ 

St. Helens Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.sthelensoregon.gov/rfps

The Dalles Oregon Open Bids  https://www.thedalles.org/jobs_bids/city_project_bids.php

Tigard Oregon Bids & Requests for Proposals  https://www.tigard-or.gov/business-development/bids-requests-for-proposals

Troutdale Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.troutdaleoregon.gov/rfps

Tualatin Oregon Bid Management system  https://bids.tualatinoregon.gov/lake-oswego-construction or  for Open Bids and RFPs  https://bids.tualatinoregon.gov/

West Linn Oregon Bid Notices/RFPs  https://bids.westlinnoregon.gov/

Wilsonville Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.ci.wilsonville.or.us/rfps

Woodburn Oregon Bids and RFPs  https://www.woodburn-or.gov/publicworks/page/bids-and-rfps

Washington city, county, state, municipal, dot, port authority, large project Bid Notices & RFPs https://uspublicworks.com/washington-bid-notices-city-county-state-municipal-bid-notices-rfps/